Dokapon Kingdom Connect: Character Stats, Jobs, Spaces 101 - naguide (2024)

Hello from our Dokapon Kingdom Connect: Characte Stats Explained & Jobs guide. Do you need detailed information and tips about the game? Then you are in the right place. This guide will give you the info on things like stats, character advancement, basic gameplay concepts, etc.

This is the guideMr. Steal Your Gun it was created by. You can find the author’s link at the end of the guide.


Dokapon Kingdom Connect: Character Stats, Jobs, Spaces Guide

Welcome to our Dokapon Kingdom Connect: Characters, Stats & Tips guide. This guide will give you the info on things like stats, character advancement, basic gameplay concepts, etc.

How you Win & Turn Order

Win Condition

  • In Normal Mode, have the greatest Net Worth at the end of the number of weeks you’re playing for.
  • In Story Mode, have the most CASH (G) when the game ends.
  • Otherwise, your objective will be specified at the start of the game.

Turn Order

When everyone has taken their turn, one day passes. Weeks are seven days long. Stores do not open on Sundays, and the gold value of some things is multiplied by the number of weeks that have passed. When a new week starts, a weekly event might happen.

Towns, Castles & Net Worth


Towns are the lifeblood of Dokapon’s gameplay loop.

If you liberate a town by killing the boss that occupies it, you “own” it. The town will generate taxes every day which you can collect at bank and collection spaces (the blue spaces with a big G on ’em).

A town’s owner can invest in the town, raising it’s daily taxes and net worth, from the town itself or from bank spaces.

If you stop at a town, you can rest at it to restore your HP. This will give money to whoever owns the town. You can also attempt to rob the mayor.

When a town’s rank has been increased enough through investment, it will generate Local Items. Local Items are highly valuable.


Castles are towns with a few key differences.

Castles are granted by the king if you do favors for him in Story Mode, given at random in Normal Mode, and earned by killing bosses in Battle Royale.

You can only invest in castles locally, not at banks.

The value and taxes of castles is not only determined by your investment, but the value of liberated towns on their continent!

Castles generate gems, a special kind of Local Item which increases in value as you invest in the castle.

Net Worth

Net Worth is the total value of the assets you own.

The obvious assets are your current cash and the value of your current inventory. These will only make a minor contribution to your real Net Worth in most games.

Towns and castles will make up most of your Net Worth. The value of both in increased through Investment, and the value of castles is also raised as described in the Castles section.

Local Items generated by towns can be gifted to the king to “bank” them as Net Worth. Their Net Worth is FAR greater than their selling price, but beware, the king doesn’t like everything!


Dokapon Kingdom Connect: Character Stats, Jobs, Spaces 101 - naguide (1)
Dokapon Kingdom Connect: Character Stats, Jobs, Spaces 101 - naguide (2)
Dokapon Kingdom Connect: Character Stats, Jobs, Spaces 101 - naguide (3)
Dokapon Kingdom Connect: Character Stats, Jobs, Spaces 101 - naguide (4)
Dokapon Kingdom Connect: Character Stats, Jobs, Spaces 101 - naguide (5)
Dokapon Kingdom Connect: Character Stats, Jobs, Spaces 101 - naguide (6)
Dokapon Kingdom Connect: Character Stats, Jobs, Spaces 101 - naguide (7)
Dokapon Kingdom Connect: Character Stats, Jobs, Spaces 101 - naguide (8)
Dokapon Kingdom Connect: Character Stats, Jobs, Spaces 101 - naguide (9)


Battles in Dokapon follow a simple formula.

Attack is a basic attack.

Strike is an attack with incredible damage, usually killing the opponent in a single hit, but is countered by Counter. High-risk.

Defense will defend against any physical attacks (Attack and Strike).

Counter will counter-strike if the opponent uses Strike, otherwise you take full damage.

Your magic defense ability (M. Guard to start) will defend against whatever offensive magic the opponent carries, but you’ll take full damage against anything else.


When you die, you will remain dead and unable to act for a certain number of turns and a negative effect will be incurred. This is determined randomly:

If Cherubs appear, you will be forced to wait for 1 turn, and lose an item or a quarter of your money.

If black-haired angels appear, you will need to wait for 2 turns, and will lose half of your money, a few items, or get pranked.

If the Grim Reaper appears, you will need to wait for 3 turns, and may lose all of your money, all items, a piece of equipment or a Town.

Dokapon Kingdom Connect Character Stats

AT (Attack)

Strength is factored into how much damage your weapon does in battles.

DF (Defense]

Defense reduces the damage you take from weapons.

MG (Magic)

Magic functions as an attack bonus and defense bonus to battle AND field magic.

SP (Speed)

Speed affects your ability to land hits with attacks and magic, and your ability to dodge both as well. The difference between your stat and the enemy’s seems to matter more than it’s actual value. Has more “swingy” effects on field magic.

HP (Hit Points)

How much damage you can take before you die. Duh.


Magic in Dokapon comes in three forms, Offensive Magic, Defensive Magic, and Field Magic.

Your options on the Triangle / Y button in Battles ALL count as Offensive or Defensive magic. These are equipped like weapons.

Field Magic is a type of consumable item, used on the board, which is affected by your MG and SP stats just like other kinds of magic.

Magic can inflict all sorts of status aliments. I’ll let Dokapon’s manual do the talking:

Dokapon Kingdom Connect: Character Stats, Jobs, Spaces 101 - naguide (10)
Dokapon Kingdom Connect: Character Stats, Jobs, Spaces 101 - naguide (11)
Dokapon Kingdom Connect: Character Stats, Jobs, Spaces 101 - naguide (12)

Dokapon Kingdom Connect Jobs

Jobs are Dokapon’s character classes. Each job grants different stats when the job levels up, has an affinity for particular weapons, battle abilities (on square or X), and a unique field ability. You’ll also have a particular inventory limit for items and field magic.

Leveling a job fully will grant you one stat point per level up for the rest of the game, so switch jobs after mastering them!

Jobs grant you a weekly salary which increases with your job level, and you can earn 3x bonus pay for completing your job’s bonus goal!

Unlike your character level, which increases with XP gained, job levels increase for every six battles fought. So don’t feel shy about fighting weak monsters!

A class’s “starting stats” are lost / gained when jobs are changed. The other stats you gain when leveling are kept.

Character level will be represented with “Lv. X”, while Job level will be represented with “Level X”.

Job: Warrior

Dokapon Kingdom Connect: Character Stats, Jobs, Spaces 101 - naguide (13)


None, starting job.


Per Level: +2 AT, +1 DF, +10 HP
Mastery: +1 AT/Level


Job level pay raise multiplier: 1.5

  • Level. 1: 500G
  • Level. 2: 750G
  • Level. 3: 1,125G
  • Level 4: 1,688G
  • Level 5: 2,531G
  • Level 6: 3,797G

Bonus Pay: Win 10 battles.


  • 6 Items
  • 4 Field Magic


  • Level 2: Muscle: Raises AT and DF by 50%
  • Level 4: Overload: Increases AT by 200%, but has a chance to fail and reduce your AT by half instead.
  • Field Skill: War Cry: Randomly increases your AT by 20% at the beginning of the turn. The buff lasts for about a week.

Job: Magician

Dokapon Kingdom Connect: Character Stats, Jobs, Spaces 101 - naguide (14)


None, starting job.


Per Level: +2 MG, +1 SP, +10 HP
Mastery: +1 MG/Level


Job level pay raise multiplier: 1.5

  • Level. 1: 500G
  • Level. 2: 750G
  • Level. 3: 1,125G
  • Level 4: 1,688G
  • Level 5: 2,531G
  • Level 6: 3,797G

Bonus Pay: Use 8 Field Magics.


  • 6 Items
  • 10 Field Magic


  • Level 2: Meditate: Doubles MG.
  • Level 4: Restrict: Seals an opponent’s random Battle Command.
  • Field Skill: Field Magic Combo: Can use 2 Field Magics in one turn.

Job: Thief

Dokapon Kingdom Connect: Character Stats, Jobs, Spaces 101 - naguide (15)


None, starting job.


Per Level: +1 AT, +2 SP, +10 HP
Mastery: +1 SP/Level


Job level pay raise multiplier: 1.5

  • Level. 1: 500G
  • Level. 2: 750G
  • Level. 3: 1,125G
  • Level 4: 1,688G
  • Level 5: 2,531G
  • Level 6: 3,797G

Bonus Pay: Open 8 treasure chests. Note: Item Spaces and Magic Spaces count.


  • 8 Items
  • 6 Field Magic


  • Level 2: Steal – Steal an Item or Field Magic.
  • Level 4: Escape – Escape from the Battle with out any punishments.
  • Field Skill: Pickpocket – Steal a random Item or Field Magic when passing another player on the board.

Job: Cleric

Dokapon Kingdom Connect: Character Stats, Jobs, Spaces 101 - naguide (16)


Master either the Warrior, Magician, Thief or Acrobat.


Per Level: +1 DF, +1 MG, +20 HP
Mastery: +1 DF/Level


Job level pay raise multiplier: 1.8

  • Level. 1: 800G
  • Level. 2: 1400G
  • Level. 3: 2592G
  • Level 4: 4666G
  • Level 5: 8398G
  • Level 6: 15117G

Bonus Pay: HP restored 12 times (this can be done with Items or the “Holy Aura” Field Skill)


  • 6 Items
  • 8 Field Magic


  • Level 2: Heal – Recovers all of your HP.
  • Level 4: Prayer – Heals 50% of your HP and cures some status ailments.
  • Field Skill: Holy Aura – Occasionally heals up to half your HP, the max is 1/2 of your full HP.

Job: Spellsword

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Master both Warrior & Magician.


Per Level: +2 AT +2 MG
Mastery: +1 AT/Level


Job level pay raise multiplier: 1.5

  • Level. 1: 1200G
  • Level. 2: 1800G
  • Level. 3: 2700G
  • Level 4: 4050G
  • Level 5: 6075G
  • Level 6: 9113G

Bonus Pay: Use Attack and Magic in the same battle 3 times.


  • 8 Items
  • 8 Field Magic


  • Level 2: Chakra – Increases your AT and MG by 50%.
  • Level 4: Pierce – Your next attack will ignore your enemy’s Defense.
  • Field Skill: Barrier – 33% chance to reflect field magic back to the caster.

Job: Alchemist

Dokapon Kingdom Connect: Character Stats, Jobs, Spaces 101 - naguide (18)


Master Thief & Magician


Per Level: +1 DF +2 MG +1 SP
Mastery: +1 MG/Level


Job level pay raise multiplier: 1.8

  • Level. 1: 1200G
  • Level. 2: 2160G
  • Level. 3: 3888G
  • Level 4: 6998G
  • Level 5: 12597G
  • Level 6: 22674G

Bonus Pay: Use Battle Skill 5 times.


  • 6 Items
  • 10 Field Magic


  • Level 2: Alchemy – Transmute damage done into gold.
  • Level 4: Debug – Decreases opponent’s HP to 1, but doesn’t always work.
  • Field Skill: Duplicate – Duplicate a random Item or Field Magic in your inventory.

Job: Ninja

Dokapon Kingdom Connect: Character Stats, Jobs, Spaces 101 - naguide (19)


Master Warrior & Thief.


Per Level: +2 AT +2 SP
Mastery: +1 SP/Level


Job level pay raise multiplier: 1.5

  • Level. 1: 1200G
  • Level. 2: 1800G
  • Level. 3: 2700G
  • Level 4: 4050G
  • Level 5: 6075G
  • Level 6: 9113G

Bonus Pay: Win 10 battles.


  • 10 Items
  • 6 Field Magic


  • Level 2: Sneak Hit – Reduces oppenent’s HP by 50%, with a chance of instantly killing them.
  • Level 4: Decoy – Protects you from physical and magical attacks 50% of the time.
  • Field Skill: Attack/Rob a store

Job: Monk

Dokapon Kingdom Connect: Character Stats, Jobs, Spaces 101 - naguide (20)


Master Cleric.


Per Level: +2 AT, +1 DF, +10 HP
Mastery: +10 HP/Level


Job level pay raise multiplier: 1.5

  • Level. 1: 1200G
  • Level. 2: 1800G
  • Level. 3: 2700G
  • Level 4: 4050G
  • Level 5: 6075G
  • Level 6: 9113G

Bonus Pay: Attack with Fist-type Weapon 12 times.


  • 8 Items
  • 6 Field Magic


  • Level 2: Raises AT by 50% every round when you are in the Battle (resets after the end of the battle).
  • Level 4: Afterburn – Increases all stats by 50%, but halves your HP after you beat the enemy.
  • Field Skill: Fire Up – Other stats rise as HP goes down.


Dokapon Kingdom Connect: Character Stats, Jobs, Spaces 101 - naguide (21)


Bring a Show Ticket to the king!


Per Level: +1 AT +1 DF +1 SP +10 HP
Mastery: +10 HP/Level


Job level pay raise multiplier: 1.2

  • Level. 1: 300G
  • Level. 2: 360G
  • Level. 3: 432G
  • Level 4: 518G
  • Level 5: 622G
  • Level 6: 746G

Bonus Pay: Travel 20 spaces.


  • 6 Items
  • 6 Field Magic


  • Level 2: Play Dumb – Chance to nullify magic attacks.
  • Level 4: ???? – In Battle, this Skill will be replaced by another random Battle Skill.
  • Field Skill: Play Dead – Upon death, has a chance of reviving the user. Supposed 50% chance. If the Skill is successful in reviving you, it will save you from using revivals in your inventory if you have any.

Job: Robo Knight

Dokapon Kingdom Connect: Character Stats, Jobs, Spaces 101 - naguide (22)


Master Alchemist & Monk, and bring lost technology to the king.


Per Level: +1 AT +1 SP +2 DF
Mastery: +1 DF/Level


Job level pay raise multiplier: 2

  • Level. 1: 1500G
  • Level. 2: 3000G
  • Level. 3: 6000G
  • Level 4: 12000G
  • Level 5: 24000G
  • Level 6: 48000G

Bonus Pay: Use Defend 12 times.


  • 10 Items
  • 8 Field Magic


  • Level 2: Copy – Copies the enemy’s stats if they are higher than your own.
  • Level 4: Harden – Chance to nullify physical attacks.
  • Field Skill: GOTO – Whenever this activates you can move from 0–6 spaces on the map, as if you had used a Multi Crystal.

Job: Hero

Dokapon Kingdom Connect: Character Stats, Jobs, Spaces 101 - naguide (23)


Master Spellsword, Ninja, Acrobat, and obtain a hero license.


Per Level: +1 AT, +1 DF, +1 MG, +1 SP
Mastery: +1 AT/Level


Job level pay raise multiplier: 2.5

  • Level. 1: 3000G
  • Level. 2: 7500G
  • Level. 3: 18750G
  • Level 4: 46875G
  • Level 5: 117188G
  • Level 6: 292969G

Bonus Pay: Stop on owned towns 3 times.


  • 12 Items
  • 12 Field Magic


  • Level 2: Glory – Forces any non boss monsters to give up.
  • Level 4: Guard – Raises some random stats by 50%.
  • Field Skill: Full Combo – Allows you to use one item and one field magic in the same turn.
Dokapon Kingdom Connect: Character Stats, Jobs, Spaces 101 - naguide (2024)


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Author: Laurine Ryan

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Name: Laurine Ryan

Birthday: 1994-12-23

Address: Suite 751 871 Lissette Throughway, West Kittie, NH 41603

Phone: +2366831109631

Job: Sales Producer

Hobby: Creative writing, Motor sports, Do it yourself, Skateboarding, Coffee roasting, Calligraphy, Stand-up comedy

Introduction: My name is Laurine Ryan, I am a adorable, fair, graceful, spotless, gorgeous, homely, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.