FireRed v1.1 ActionReplay Codes Action Replay Codes for Pokemon FireRed on GBA (2024)

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SkylineYouTube posted:

Aug 2nd 2017, ID#10384FireRed v1.1 ActionReplay Codes

These codes only work with FireRed v1.1.

You can download it here.

Codes created by SkylineYT.

The program used to create these codes was made by Ciro.

Each item will appear at your first slot on your pc,

And will replace the current item for the desired one.

Pokemon codes will give you Pokemon that will appear at Box 14, slot 30.

Starters are level 5 and legends and pseudo-legends are at level 50.

I hope you make a good use of these codes, cause I worked really hard to bring them for you guys. :D

More codes for this game on our Pokemon FireRed Action Replay Codes index

Region: US/North America | Class: Item Codes

MasterCode (for all codes, required)

E6A003D6 8110DDD5


Anti-DMA (for all codes, also required)

24C35E88 037C3033

78DA95DF 44018CB4

99x MasterBall

02ED8A35 994B4F87

99x UltraBall

7A21F5DE 330D86DB

99x GreatBall

1025BA54 2C8754EC

99x PokeBall

537C1D21 0DD96010

99x SafariBall

1AC08B80 FC9352D0

99x NetBall

2A4840D3 284531C5

99x DiveBall


99x NestBall

98A631EF C20F30E4

99x RepeatBall

3BA488D4 C257283C

99x TimerBall

A853D188 552AE98F

99x LuxuryBall

3661C355 C048E9E7

99x PremierBall

C56EA7E7 FB24380E

99x Potion

61191A2F 5A3EFEB5

99x Antidote

6B56B0A8 74CC8139

99x BurnHeal

DC05DE98 4793B14A

99x IceHeal

9A388AE6 21E6C47A

99x Awakening


99x ParalyzeHeal


99x FullRestore

42968879 340CC67B

99x MaxPotion

A433C2C2 722C6DB9

99x HyperPotion


99x SuperPotion


99x FullHeal

D7BB4ACB 57E02569

99x Revive

12B1E46E 7F4DE6CD

99x MaxRevive

6E566DFD 2A12C53B

99x FreshWater

4E69C3C0 13D044E5

99x SodaPop

CE77C76D 48D04894

99x Lemonade

AEA0587A 1F7A35E6

99x MooMooMilk

07B70C34 19C9A957

99x EnergyPowder

2C61CDCE 99B77F2B

99x EnergyRoot

E4DC3C27 570CB814

99x HealPowder

82E61E47 C54AC6C5

99x RevivalHerb

BD61789C 421E6D97

99x Ether

C0092E33 2FF02B02

99x MaxEther

60D641EC 16599C0E

99x Elixir

E16537B5 9277E0CD

99x MaxElixir

82351DBB C19A93DA

99x LavaCookie

C4A4598C B190FEFB

99x BlueFlute


99x YellowFlute


99x RedFlute

5BE65586 EC9339E6

99x BlackFlute


99x WhiteFlute

A1880AF8 B75B8296

99x BerryJuice

C40B99A1 C28A507A

99x SacredAsh

85CC9664 1456D942

99x ShoalSalt

0F56BD27 FD5D9FB3

99x ShoalShell

864227CC 3F314994

99x RedShard

022C0C5D E219ABA4

99x BlueShard


99x YellowShard

E4D54C56 15551054

99x GreenShard

4AB66769 0C5F0920

99x HPUp

8D60078F 7FD1051D

99x Protein

0CD9336B 10F8B2D3

99x Iron

E0794A51 A677E93C

99x Carbos

C03932CE DA8DE28D

99x Calcium

C8D2C3D4 0CDD3966

99x RareCandy


99x PPUp

0DEB0A40 13FAF116

99x Zinc

667863A1 6ECEB2EE

99x PPMax

0B1AF47A 15C851D3

99x GuardSpec.

B8A4EE42 D16395CD

99x DireHit

9E00E15F D2497DA8

99x XAttack

E976B3B8 D5FCCD62

99x XDefend

0782C86F AAC3058C

99x XSpeed

709C47D7 7003F31D

99x XAccuracy

40543E02 BFE46256

99x XSpecial


99x PokeDoll

5B901F00 19BD603F

99x FluffyTail

E055B671 6E7BBCBA

99x SuperRepel

79C6AFD2 C0E312A9

99x MaxRepel

B648E072 5C482805

99x EscapeRope

1FAFF936 19AC6EF6

99x Repel

0D0055F5 B2C9ECBE

99x SunStone

4C817C70 E4E63A54

99x MoonStone

0CB976E2 DBA16008

99x FireStone

C25C5D19 F2939AB6

99x ThunderStone

F9A1963C 7780DF7D

99x WaterStone

48E3558C 1DB05BDF

99x LeafStone

0143A1C6 9DA67BE1

99x TinyMushroom

D69A4422 86C1F25A

99x BigMushroom


99x Pearl

6EF63991 C55E7584

99x BigPearl

3EA0258F AF4E3498

99x Stardust

5312425A 8FD127AF

99x StarPiece

B61A80FD 4485DF2A

99x Nugget

EBFAB560 4F7936B1

99x HeartScale

B986C926 72340C24

99x OrangeMail


99x HarborMail

98AB9097 83ADDA6A

99x GlitterMail

9680081C CBE412A1

99x MechMail

5E333BE4 10D24EAC

99x WoodMail

56BF2DB0 192E6E15

99x WaveMail

690CEA4A 980E43FE

99x BeadMail

7F749840 8707237B

99x ShadowMail

640D868E BD2136E3

99x TropicMail

3A9898A1 65FABF70

99x DreamMail

DBE59E98 0D999D6D

99x FabMail

6A889326 57D19B92

99x RetroMail


99x CheriBerry

9BAA5D01 0127264E

99x ChestoBerry

1EA4EE98 F6A1799B

99x PechaBerry

79E66BE9 B4A36840

99x RawstBerry

9F3F283B BA1A8186

99x AspearBerry

98529851 9951FCA6

99x LeppaBerry

7B0AE6FF 4D40A169

99x OranBerry

882888F4 7E4013CE

99x PersimBerry

D97BDEBD 806835CE

99x LumBerry

C7AC49E1 D805ABD3

99x SitrusBerry

472F9ADE 2D1D8576

99x FigyBerry

C474F5A6 EFCE3622

99x WikiBerry

FD5CFB2A 71096651

99x MagoBerry


99x AguavBerry

5F5E29FC ED3FD557

99x IapapaBerry

44D3CEFC 00185D47

99x RazzBerry


99x BlukBerry

C565DAB3 23938A12

99x NanabBerry

454C5500 15830605

99x WepearBerry

02FC1088 6B3AC37A

99x PinapBerry

DDAC8AE5 C097772E

99x PomegBerry

4B69ACC1 E8A91809

99x KelpsyBerry

C343DBC1 2B603040

99x QualotBerry

37B583A6 9BAEDE2C

99x HondewBerry

A124FD75 75BC6716

99x GrepaBerry

81D97B41 71E8481C

99x TamatoBerry


99x CornnBerry

FD4BF38B 0E710759

99x MagostBerry

29180E4E 80B24902

99x RabutaBerry

71F85427 0F0135F8

99x NomelBerry

22F96443 A3788948

99x SpelonBerry

C9F354D5 5939BEEE

99x PamtreBerry


99x WatmelBerry


99x DurinBerry

00763551 2EA01213

99x BelueBerry

78026C7A EA77448C

99x LiechiBerry


99x GanlonBerry

5E4A4C95 C43A1A57

99x SalacBerry

7482C75F 4F5D78C2

99x PetayaBerry

1E75D416 1698B9C2

99x ApicotBerry

756B6075 7A08E930

99x LansatBerry

AB7F8874 0B53091C

99x StarfBerry

15D764FC 06807F4D

99x EnigmaBerry

F73539F3 D41874A0

99x BrightPowder

9D42F952 FF5602B1

99x WhiteHerb

74C693ED A83875A0

99x MachoBrace


99x ExpShare


99x QuickClaw

38FF53F5 1B8DF2C0

99x SootheBell

A3613909 0E46B4E9

99x MentalHerb

4062EB75 2C7E06B3

99x ChoiceBand

7A547F17 025D72EE

99x KingsRock

D62CBEE4 5AF9676E

99x SilverPowder

701A8219 54700525

99x CleanseTag

EAB14D8B 21360045

99x SoulDew

F57E30C7 B4733EEC

99x DeepSeaTooth

75596B7A 5ED14B75

99x DeepSeaScale

EAB78DF2 988F802C

99x SmokeBall

061B8BA1 E094B40D

99x Everstone

BF931663 FD1710DC

99x FocusBand

DE27B474 2BCB709C

99x LuckyEgg

C4123844 7ADF7681

99x ScopeLens

091BEC23 9F02FF22

99x MetalCoat

6F9E6932 17E242E4

99x Leftovers

628C95C3 63A38822

99x DragonScale

0AC017CD B0CF520C

99x LightBall

E3343147 259F672C

99x SoftSand

AA849737 8158AEE1

99x HardStone

ABCFD11B 4C950B21

99x Miracle Seed

C9D45E0A FC27D86C

99x BlackGlasses


99x BlackBelt

AA7EB912 8A6CDB64

99x Magnet

E51A7B28 C1D6BA33

99x MysticWater

849F5E74 0E44BC76

99x SharpBeak

C5081EF2 911EC754

99x PoisonBarb

C031F5A5 21391DC5

99x NevermeltIce

CD509F57 3F389D61

99x SpellTag

F841AD56 D59FA59B

99x TwistedSpoon

6861F549 9EE0C6EC

99x Charcoal

72287F84 91160472

99x DragonFang

72FDA7A3 28914450

99x SilkScarf

BBF27895 498D7AD7

99x UpGrade

B0D7A3FF 266B244A

99x ShellBell

703C4A45 82C875F9

99x SeaIncense

5A133E5F 948F29BF

99x LaxIncense

D8B590A6 7637E283

99x LuckyPunch

2F0B4631 AA9D6AEF

99x MetalPowder

B411F771 1FA09086

99x ThickClub

6CF3034A 47A00DF7

99x Stick

3127338F 24CA926A

99x RedScarf

A4E6916D 33DF1BFD

99x BlueScarf

5F51914E A94007AC

99x PinkScarf

ABD037CC 46F65393

99x GreenScarf

D1AC6E7B C62B5458

99x YellowScarf

AD49043C 97A1656D

99x TM01 Focus Punch

295AD5BA C27C91AF

99x TM02 Dragon Claw

3C49AC03 9E95B797

99x TM03 Water Pulse


99x TM04 Calm Mind

EB49F024 F4DF30FE

99x TM05 Roar

16FDDA33 DA758ED7

99x TM06 Toxic

96F9FA9C 0FC9E901

99x TM07 Hail

70FB9D5B 71C72D39

99x TM08 Bulk Up

A85451E1 01B576D5

99x TM09 Bullet Seed

5250D8A2 389DA4BE

99x TM10 Hidden Power

20BC61D1 BD7C8870

99x TM11 Sunny Day


99x TM12 Taunt

24E08CC8 106B1893

99x TM13 Ice Beam

BE21D39D 5330A09D

99x TM14 Blizzard


99x TM15 Hyper Beam

2B5D448F 02805C03

99x TM16 Light Screen

0CE110A1 3013239A

99x TM17 Protect


99x TM18 Rain Dance

B886C7D5 1F368185

99x TM19 Giga Drain

70958831 73F74A35

99x TM20 Safeguard

5D340777 FD878C77

99x TM21 Frustration

40534F7C AABF8E63

99x TM22 Solar Beam

E6CACF45 362D7259

99x TM23 Iron Tail

1AC25317 28B03A33

99x TM24 Thunderbolt

75BFDA9C 8E949853

99x TM25 Thunder

BF29D94B 665A1236

99x TM26 Earthquake

28C77008 6D9F4C4F

99x TM27 Return

5A4D3E38 0A8F4BFC

99x TM28 Dig

358B8380 C2847309

99x TM29 Psychic

0652BEE5 06CF3422

99x TM30 Shadow Ball

47C06F05 9BFCD2AE

99x TM31 Brick Break

78A72D70 210F638A

99x TM32 Dobule Team

26424373 6929BB5D

99x TM33 Reflect

1492A5A7 B8014D7F

99x TM34 Shock Wave

F8A069B6 F2A5BC29

99x TM35 Flamethrower

F5EE5890 E37F815F

99x TM36 Sludge Bomb

35586A20 F0D6342F

99x TM37 Sandstorm

E21F9294 5CE706EF

99x TM38 Fire Blast

E7E2235D 306A2DE5

99x TM39 Rock Tomb

7571E922 C39F6507

99x TM40 Aerial Ace

790AB026 29A81D1C

99x TM41 Torment

4554EEF0 337F4E16

99x TM42 Facade

62FEB053 B873C19F

99x TM43 Secret Power

BB090725 078A5E9A

99x TM44 Rest

5BB7F1FF 5319BE17

99x TM45 Attract

DC172471 6700B5AF

99x TM46 Thief

771F472C 276C9A86

99x TM47 Steel Wing

83954329 F3B0E5BD

99x TM48 Skill Swap

C7816968 9BC3555F

99x TM49 Snatch


99x TM50 Overheat

BD24B496 A90EDB74

99x HM01 Cut

1D048135 A14C00C5

99x HM02 Fly

B8EE9FB5 DC820C62

99x HM03 Surf

B26580A1 9CEA3022

99x HM04 Strength

860C14B4 8B3F97D7

99x HM05 Flash

05524684 1C8E0BF6

99x HM06 Rock Smash

7097D956 697D9C86

99x HM07 Waterfall

F3D2E81C 3FE28E69

99x PokeFlute (KeyItem)

F3E8B2A4 37E75205

99x SilphScope (KeyItem)

75FF927F AD0E2E03

99x Bicycle (KeyItem)

7370F6EE 50647408

99x DomeFossil (KeyItem)

A7C34505 CA76CFED

99x HelixFossil (KeyItem)

32A13A50 CD2B5FE5

99x MysticTicket (KeyItem)


99x AuroraTicket (KeyItem)

1F9E6B2A 14BBE260

99x TriPass (KeyItem)

01B6B07D 5605FF25

99x RainbowPass (KeyItem)

4DA0DB15 3875BDF4

99x Tea (KeyItem)

1AFC6BC6 791EE394

99x Ruby (KeyItem)

2404B297 304C009D

99x Sapphire (KeyItem)

44201804 AA0239E3

Bookmark | 6

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Comments for this Action Replay Code

FireRed v1.1 ActionReplay Codes Action Replay Codes for Pokemon FireRed on GBA (2024)


How to use Cheats in gba pokemon fire red? ›

The master code for Pokémon Fire Red is as follows:
  1. Open the VBA emulator. Select 'File', then 'Open' and select the Pokémon Fire Red ROM.
  2. Select 'Cheats' and then 'Cheat list' from the VBA menu.
  3. Select 'Gameshark'.
  4. Enter the codes of your choice.
  5. Select 'OK' twice and you will be back in the game.
Nov 11, 2023

What is the master code for FireRed? ›

To enter any cheat codes for FireRed, you must first enter the master code. Then, you can enter any of the codes and reap the rewards. The Master codes for Pokémon FireRed are: 3AF85ACA C4D18CEC.

What is the cheat code for infinite money in Pokemon Fire Red? ›

Infinite Money Cheat – Cheat code: 82025838104E 8202583AE971

Run the RNG code and any other codes that require it. Load your previously saved game. Examine your Trainer Card (first screen only)

What is the cheat code for Rare Candy in Pokémon GBA? ›

Start Pokémon LeafGreen in your Visualboy Advance emulator. Then, empty the first box in your character's PC. Click the Cheats menu and select "Cheat list." Then, click the “Gameshark” button, enter “Rare Candy" into the description, and copy 82025840 0044 into the Code field.

What is the cheat code for Mew in Pokémon Fire Red My Boy? ›

If you're looking for the cheat code to find Mew then here it is: 83007CEE 0097.

How to get Mewtwo in FireRed? ›

You cannot get Mewtwo until you defeat the Elite Four and become the Pokémon champion, you can catch Mewtwo after fulfilling the quest in One Island.. Obtain the National Pokedex from Professor Oak. You will need to have captured sixty Pokémon before he will give it to you.

What is the secret key for in FireRed? ›

The sole purpose of the Pokémon Mansion is to hide the key you need to get into the Cinnabar Island Gym. The quickest way to get it is to run straight into the mansion and take the first stairway up.

What are master codes? ›

A master code is a barcode which is programmed into a scanner as a reference code for comparison with scanned codes.

How do you catch Mew in fire red? ›

Trading for Mew is the only legitimate way to obtain a Mew in FireRed anymore. Mew is an Event Pokémon, and was only available during a single event in 2006. There is a glitch that people claim will work to find Mew, but this only works in the original Pokémon games. It does not work in Fire Red.

Can you get lugia in fire red? ›

The powerful Pokémon Lugia is impossible to get naturally without codes or special trades in Pokémon Fire Red, but that does not mean that all hope is lost. Nintendo originally made the Pokémon only catchable with a special, event only "ticket," however these tickets are no longer given out.

Which GBA emulator has Cheats? ›

1. John GBA. One of the best GBA emulators that is reasonably accurate when it comes to taking complete control over the game. John GBA emulator offers tons of extra features including built-in cheats, turbo buttons, SD card support, Dropbox support, and ways to improve the rendering.

Does gba4ios allow Cheats? ›

Hit menu. Then edit. Then the little +. Type in your cheat name and punch in/copy paste the code.

What format is the GBA Cheat code? ›

GBA cheats

Cheat code websites usually all have AR/GS formatted as XXXXXXXX YYYYYYYY and don't tell you which type of AR/GS, unless its a good cheat code website such as which will denote AR/GS v1/v2 codes as AR12 and AR v3 as AR34.

How do you activate cheats in Pokemon Emerald GBA? ›

How to cheat in Pokémon Emerald
  1. First, open up the VBA emulator.
  2. Now select File, then Open and now choose the Pokémon Emerald ROM.
  3. Select Cheats and then Cheat list from the VBA menu.
  4. Select Gameshark.
  5. Enter your codes of choice.
  6. Select OK twice and you will be back in the game.
Jun 13, 2024

Which GBA emulator has cheats? ›

1. John GBA. One of the best GBA emulators that is reasonably accurate when it comes to taking complete control over the game. John GBA emulator offers tons of extra features including built-in cheats, turbo buttons, SD card support, Dropbox support, and ways to improve the rendering.

What format is the GBA cheat code? ›

GBA cheats

Cheat code websites usually all have AR/GS formatted as XXXXXXXX YYYYYYYY and don't tell you which type of AR/GS, unless its a good cheat code website such as which will denote AR/GS v1/v2 codes as AR12 and AR v3 as AR34.

What is the secret key for in Pokemon Fire Red? ›

The Secret Key opens up Cinnabar Gym, allowing the player to challenge Blaine.


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Author: Greg O'Connell

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Views: 5956

Rating: 4.1 / 5 (62 voted)

Reviews: 85% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Greg O'Connell

Birthday: 1992-01-10

Address: Suite 517 2436 Jefferey Pass, Shanitaside, UT 27519

Phone: +2614651609714

Job: Education Developer

Hobby: Cooking, Gambling, Pottery, Shooting, Baseball, Singing, Snowboarding

Introduction: My name is Greg O'Connell, I am a delightful, colorful, talented, kind, lively, modern, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.