Beginning January 1, 2010, the GaPSC will no longer print and mail certificates and correspondence to educators. It will instead issue these documents electronically. This will result in faster communications – you no longer have to wait for postal delivery of your correspondence and certificate. You can access your certificate and correspondence anytime, anywhere. Obtaining duplicate copies of your certificate is easy and free – simply print another copy when you need one. Your access to the paperless system will be through your “MyPSC Account.” To view or print your certificate or to read correspondence from the GaPSC you must register a MyPSC Account.
A MyPSC Account must be created by all certified Georgia educators and applicants for certification, and individuals who have taken the GACE but have not yet applied for certification.
For security purposes, we need to verify who is creating the account. Your SSN will be checked against the information we have on file for you during the registration process. This is handled through our secure website. Once your account has been created, your SSN will never be displayed and cannot be accessed by anyone. Protection of confidential information is of the utmost importance and we take strong measures to ensure security.
Your PSC Account Number is the six-digit number assigned when you submit certification application documents. This number is displayed in the upper right corner on your Georgia certificate and also in the upper right corner of certification correspondence from PSC. This number is used as your primary ID number in place of your SSN. The PSC Account number is needed for registration and for logging in.
Beginning January 1, 2010, the GaPSC will no longer print and mail certification correspondence to educators. All communications and correspondence will be electronic utilizing the email address you provide. Because this is the method we will use to correspond, it is critical that you provide a valid email address that you will check often. Please make sure that you keep the email address on file with us updated. If your email address changes, please update your MyPSC Account Profile with the new address. The email address is required for logging in to your account.
Because all correspondence will be electronic, we want to provide a failsafe for email delivery. Having two email addresses allows a secondary way of ensuring that you receive your certification emails. While providing a secondary email address is optional, we strongly recommend your do so. Secondary email accounts can be set up free of charge from a number of sources (e.g., Google, Yahoo, etc.).
Security Questions/Answers: You will be prompted to answer the security questions when you forget your password and during the completion of registration process. Please make sure to select your favorite security questions and do not choose a random answer. Choose the answer that best suits the question and something that you can remember. |
Answers to security questions can be short but should match with your questions. Answers are not case sensitive. Please do not share answers to any of the security questions with anyone. |
* Answer to security question 1 is required. Special characters are not allowed in the security answer 1. Only alphanumeric characters, space, hyphen, comma, and apostrophe are allowed. |
* Answer to security question 2 is required. Special characters are not allowed in the security answer 2. Only alphanumeric characters, space, hyphen, comma, and apostrophe are allowed. |
* Answer to security question 3 is required. Special characters are not allowed in the security answer 3. Only alphanumeric characters, space, hyphen, comma, and apostrophe are allowed. |
To finish the reset password process please use the temporary password that has been sent to your email address and also you will need to supply a new password. You will not be able to use temporary password to login to MyPSC website. |
* Temporary password is a required field. Copy temporaray password in the email and paste it here. Temporary password is case sensitive. |
* New password is a required field. Passwords must contain at least (1) upper case letter, at least (1) lower case letter,at least (1) number or special character, and must have at least (8) characters and maximum of 12 characters in length. Password must NOT contain your First name, Last Name, User ID and the word - password. |
* Confirm New password is a required field. Passwords must contain at least (1) upper case letter, at least (1) lower case letter,at least (1) number or special character, and must have at least (8) characters and maximum of 12 characters in length. Password must NOT contain your First name, Last Name, User ID and the word - password. |
To change the password, you need to enter the old password, the new password and confirm new password. Both new password and confirm new password should be identical. |
* Old password is a required field. |
* New Password is a required field. New Password must contain at least (1) upper case letter, at least (1) lower case letter,at least (1) number or special character, and must have at least (8) characters and maximum 12 characters in length. Password must NOT contain your First name, Last Name, User ID and the word - password. |
* Confirm New Password is a required field. Confirm new password must match with new password. New Password must contain at least (1) upper case letter, at least (1) lower case letter,at least (1) number or special character, and must have at least (8) characters and maximum 12 characters in length. Password must NOT contain your First name, Last Name, User ID and the word - password. |
This is the page where educators can CONFIRM or EDIT their personal profile. All fields are initially set to READ-ONLY. If the user would like to change any of the fields, they will have to click on EDIT button. Once EDIT button is clicked, all the fields except SSN, PSC Certification Number, Last Name,First Name, Middle Name and Suffix will be available for update. Users can now update the fields and hit on SAVE button to save the changes. If they wish to not update the profile, they can click on CANCEL button. |
NOTE: Users must enter valid data in the appropriate fields. Otherwise, they will get an error message to correct the data. Below are the rules for each field. If you think any of the fields would require additional characters to be allowed, please contact Support Support at |
* First Name cannot be changed. You must submit an online application via your MyPSC account requesting a name change. |
* Last Name cannot be changed online. You must submit an online application via your MyPSC account requesting a name change. |
Middle Name cannot be changed online. You must submit an online application via your MyPSC account requesting a name change. |
Suffix cannot be changed online. You will have to contact Certification at PSC at for further assistance. |
* Date of Birth field will be enabled to make changes if below conditions are not true. Date of Birth is a required field. Date of Birth must be in MM/DD/YYYY or M/D/YYYY format. - Date of Birth cannot be modified if enrollment was verified in a traditional program.
- Date of Birth cannot be modified if Verification of Lawful Presence (VLP) application has been approved.
- Date of Birth cannot be modified if you passed GACE content or EdTPA.
* Primary email address is a required field. Primary Email address must be valid. For example is a valid email address. jdoeatcomcastnet is invalid email address. Primary email address is the username for MyPSC Login account. Please remember to give valid email address and the one to which you have immediate access. |
Secondary email address is an optional field. Secondary Email address must be valid. For example is a valid email address. jdoeatcomcastnet is invalid email address. Secondary email address is NOT the username for MyPSC Login account. Please remember to give valid email address and the one to which you have immediate access. We recommend you to give secondary email address. |
* Street Address 1 is a required field. Only alphanumeric characters, space, hyphen, apostrophe, dot, comma, forward slash (/) and pound sign (#) are allowed. |
Street Address 2 is an optional field. Only alphanumeric characters, space, hyphen, apostrophe, dot, comma, forward slash (/) and pound sign (#) are allowed. |
* City is a required field. Only alphanumeric characters, space, hyphen, comma, dot and apostrophe are allowed. City must contain alphabets and not just numbers, space, hyphen, comma, dot and apostrophe. |
* State is a required field. Please select 2 alphabet State code from the drop down list. |
* Zipcode is a required field. Only 5 or 9 digit zip code with hyphen is allowed for zipcode. For example 30303 or 30303-4567 is a valid zip code. |
* Home phone number is a required field. Only numbers, hyphen, parenthesis and space are allowed for Home phone number. Home phone number must be 10 numbers in total including area code. (nnn)nnn-nnnn or nnnnnnnnnn or nnn-nnn-nnnn is a valid phone number. |
Mobile phone number is an optional field. Only numbers, hyphen, parenthesis and space are allowed for Mobile phone number. Mobile phone number must be 10 numbers in total including area code. (nnn)nnn-nnnn or nnnnnnnnnn or nnn-nnn-nnnn is a valid phone number. |
Security Questions/Answers: You will be prompted to answer the security questions when you forget your password. Please make sure to select your favorite security questions and do not choose a random answer. Choose the answer that best suits the question and something that you can remember. |
Answers to security questions can be short but should match with your questions. Answers are not case sensitive. Please do not share answers to any of the security questions with anyone. |
* Answer to security question 1 is required. Special characters are not allowed in the security answer 1. Only alphanumeric characters, space, hyphen, comma, and apostrophe are allowed. |
* Answer to security question 2 is required. Special characters are not allowed in the security answer 2. Only alphanumeric characters, space, hyphen, comma, and apostrophe are allowed. |
* Answer to security question 3 is required. Special characters are not allowed in the security answer 3. Only alphanumeric characters, space, hyphen, comma, and apostrophe are allowed. |